
some people hear voices - some see invisible people - others have no imagination whatsoever

i'm not gonna post pics of my own art or poems tonight cause i want to try something a little different.

today i realized that: even though i might not feel happy or excited about things anymore, if i act like i am(even when i'm alone) i'll fool myself into thinking i'm happy. 

i need to learn to love the little things in life... again.

below are three pictures that i found a while ago and wanted to save for a rainy day. i like them because they represent my above fact.

they're pictures of sad or negative everyday objects or situations but taken in a humorous, positive way. i personally think that the photographer is trying to fool his audience, or himself, into seeing these things as pleasant and happy.

(i added the quotes under each pic)

this isn't a stop sign making you late for work;
it's a beautiful red flower wanting to say "hello"!

this isn't your ordinary bum reading 
a newspaper on the side of the road;
it's new-york-times-man enjoying 
a beautiful day with his fellow newspapers! 

and finally a bit of a stretch on my part but:

this isn't a random man drowning in a river;
it's a snorkeler using balloons to keep him 
floating just at the surface of the water 
so he can focus on all the pretty fish and things!

ok so i'm done. kind of weird, but it gets my point across. everything doesn't have to be as bad as it seems. sometimes living in a fantasy world is a good thing - and i miss it.


  1. The man with those ballons, is he dead?

  2. no... i said he's snorkeling...

  3. but to really answer your question:
    no. the photographer used dummies for all of his pics.

  4. well, in fact i didn't read all the post, i just saw this image and i thought oh man!! but now i know he's alive hehehe
    BTW i'm going to start to follow your blog it looks good
    (My english is not good)

  5. Yet again, your mind fascinates me.

  6. is that a good thing?
